Chameli Flower [ Jasmine Flower ]
Easiest way to Grow Chameli Flower [ Jasmine Flower ] in Steps
Step1 [ In English ]
Pick a cultivar to develop. There are more than 200 types of Chameli Flower(Jasmine Flower), each with various attributes. Some are evergreen, while some are deciduous. Some appear as vines, while others are bushes. Some are tender to the point that they should be developed inside, while others are ice strong. Purchase the jasmine cultivar it's hard to believe, but it's true for your necessities. You'll discover jasmine plants accessible in pots at the nursery, or you can arrange seeds on the web. These jasmines are the most generally accessible in nurseries:
Step1 [ हिंदी में ]
जैस्मीन की 200 से अधिक प्रजातियां हैं, प्रत्येक में अलग-अलग विशेषताएं हैं। कुछ सदाबहार हैं, जबकि कुछ पर्णपाती हैं। कुछ दाखलताओं के रूप लेते हैं, जबकि अन्य झाड़ियों हैं। कुछ इतने निविदाएं हैं कि उन्हें घर के अंदर उगाया जाना चाहिए, जबकि अन्य कठोर ठंडे हैं। जैस्मीन किसान खरीदें जो आपकी आवश्यकताओं के लिए सही है। आपको नर्सरी में बर्तनों में उपलब्ध जैस्मीन पौधे मिलेगा, या आप ऑनलाइन बीज ऑर्डर कर सकते हैं। ये चमेली नर्सरी में सबसे अधिक उपलब्ध हैं:
Jasminum Officinale
[summer jasmine]
Full sun to halfway shade | develops outside in mellow atmospheres | otherwise indoor
White, starry blossoms| frost hardy vine well known in numerous regions
Jasminum Nudiflorum
[winter jasmine]
Full sun to incomplete shade | develops outside in many areas
Yellow bloom | low maintenance; makes great groundcover
Jasminum Parkeri
Full sun to incomplete shade | develops outside in mellow atmospheres | otherwise indoor
Yellow blossoms | develops as a bush.
Jasminum Fruticans
Full sun to fractional shade | develops outside in gentle atmospheres | otherwise indoor
Yellow, tubular blossoms; evergreen bush.
Jasminum Sambac
Full sun to fractional shade; develops inside except if in tropical atmosphere
Fragrant blossoms make flavorful tea; requires controlled indoor condition in many areas.
Step 2 [ In English ]
Locate a reasonable spot for your Chameli Flower(Jasmine Flower) plant. Every jasmine cultivar has particular natural needs, so complete a little research to discover what conditions you have to accommodate your plant. All together for your jasmine to flourish, it's important to give the correct level of sun and the best possible temperature. When you're choosing where to plant your jasmine, consider the accompanying factors:
What level of sun does it require? Most jasmine plants expect inclined toward full sun, despite the fact that a couple of cultivars acknowledge full shade.
Is it strong in your atmosphere? Decide if the jasmine you have picked will flourish outside or on the off chance that it would be in an ideal situation in a pot inside, where you can control the temperature and dampness. In case you're planting outside, you'll need to pick the hottest spot you can discover.
What amount of room does your jasmine plant require? A few cultivars are vines that grow up dividers and wall, others develop along the ground and give great ground cover, and still others develop as contained bushes. Pick a planting spot that suits the sort you have.
अपने चमेली संयंत्र के लिए एक उचित जगह का पता लगाएं। प्रत्येक चमेली की किस्म में विशेष प्राकृतिक जरूरत होती है, इसलिए अपने पौधे को समायोजित करने के लिए आपको किन स्थितियों की खोज करने के लिए थोड़ा सा शोध पूरा करें। आपके चमेली के लिए सभी एक साथ बढ़ने के लिए, सूर्य के सही स्तर और सर्वोत्तम संभव तापमान देना महत्वपूर्ण है। जब आप अपनी चमेली को लगाने के लिए चुनते हैं, तो साथ में कारकों पर विचार करें: सूर्य के किस स्तर की आवश्यकता होती है? अधिकांश चमेली पौधे पूर्ण सूर्य की ओर झुकाव की उम्मीद करते हैं, इस तथ्य के बावजूद कि कुछ किसान पूरी छाया स्वीकार करते हैं। क्या यह आपके वायुमंडल में मजबूत है? तय करें कि आपके द्वारा चुने गए चमेली के बाहर या बंद मौके पर यह बढ़ जाएगा कि यह एक बर्तन में आदर्श स्थिति में होगा, जहां आप तापमान और नम्रता को नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं। यदि आप बाहर रोपण कर रहे हैं, तो आपको सबसे गर्म स्थान चुनने की आवश्यकता होगी। आपके चमेली संयंत्र की कितनी मात्रा की आवश्यकता है? कुछ किस्में वे दाखलियां हैं जो विभाजक और दीवार को बड़ा करती हैं, अन्य जमीन के साथ विकसित होती हैं और महान जमीन कवर देती हैं, और फिर भी दूसरों को निहित झाड़ियों के रूप में विकसित किया जाता है। एक रोपण जगह चुनें जो आपके पास है।
Set up the soil for planting. Most Chameli Flower(Jasmine Flower) cultivars do best in rich, well-depleting soil. Regardless of whether you're planting your jasmine in the ground or in a pot, set up the soil by working in 2-inch layer of manure. This will guarantee that the jasmine produces solid blossoms all through the developing season.
In case you're planting outside, check the spot you've ensured it depletes well. Burrow an opening and fill it with water. In the event that the water rapidly splashes into the gap and abandons it unfilled, the dirt there channels well. On the off chance that the water sits and depletes gradually, pick an alternate planting spot.
What level of sun does it require? Most jasmine plants expect inclined toward full sun, despite the fact that a couple of cultivars acknowledge full shade.
Is it strong in your atmosphere? Decide if the jasmine you have picked will flourish outside or on the off chance that it would be in an ideal situation in a pot inside, where you can control the temperature and dampness. In case you're planting outside, you'll need to pick the hottest spot you can discover.
What amount of room does your jasmine plant require? A few cultivars are vines that grow up dividers and wall, others develop along the ground and give great ground cover, and still others develop as contained bushes. Pick a planting spot that suits the sort you have.
Step 2 [ हिंदी में ]
Step 3 [ In English ]
In case you're planting outside, check the spot you've ensured it depletes well. Burrow an opening and fill it with water. In the event that the water rapidly splashes into the gap and abandons it unfilled, the dirt there channels well. On the off chance that the water sits and depletes gradually, pick an alternate planting spot.
Step 3 [ हिंदी में ]
Step 4 [ In English ]
While the most well-known approach to plant jasmine is to purchase a youthful jasmine plant, it is likewise conceivable to begin jasmine from seed. Jasmine seeds have a low germination rate and require extraordinary consideration as indicated by the cultivar. As a rule, you can begin the seeds inside in seed pots loaded up with seed starter blend, at that point solidify off the seedlings and plant them outside once the last ice has passed.
Another approach to plant jasmine is to utilize semi-ready cuttings taken from a develop jasmine plant. In mid-summer or fall, cut solid 6-inch comes from a jasmine plant. Set up a pot with a dirt and fertilizer blend and push the stems into a pot. Overwinter the pot in a bright window, keeping it very much watered, and transplant it in the spring
Step 4 [ हिंदी में ]
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